A Toolbox for Life Yogi Card Deck | By Tanaya Ti'en | Artwork By Athina
Rock Your Chakras, Roll your Yamas Yoga Cards
Discover the timeless treasures of old school yoga and unleash the most magnificent version of you in this fifty-six card deck adventure. Created from the heart, for the modern-day yogi.
Whether you’re a yoga devotee, novice, or simply have an interest in being the best YOU you can be, journey into yoga beyond aesthetics, into a space where any body can practice no matter what shape, size, religion, or circumstance.

Inside, you’ll find 49 cards dedicated to the yogic virtues, featuring the Yamas and Niyamas - the foundation of sage Patanjali’s eight-limbed path of Aṣṭāṅga yoga. In addition, to guide you along the way, you’ll find 7 Chakra specific Asana cards with yoga postures and breathing techniques intended to open, expand, and unify; mind, body, and soul.
The ten jewels of Yama and Niyama along with the seven chakras offer a powerful navigation system and set of tools that can assist us in taking ownership of our lives, on and off the mat.
There are no coincidences. Open sesame. Pick a card at random. Or select one of the suggested spreads. Tune in to the teacher within yourself, and get ready to redesign, refine, and reboot your life, one card at a time.
In a nutshell, the Rock Your Chakras, Roll Your Yamas toolbox for life is a present-day approach to age-old wisdom. A holistic roadmap of sorts offering a collection of ancient and universal truths, all in one tiny box, for quick and easy access to the peace and happiness that was there all along... underneath the hustle and bustle of modern-day life.
Other ways you can work the alchemy of the cards...
For Yoga and Meditation Teachers
Use the cards to theme your classes. Select a card at random or work through the deck from start to finish.
For The Keen Enthusiast, Novice, or Practitioner:
Choose a card at random during times of mental clutter, brain fog, confusion, indecision, or procrastination.
Or, select one virtue card each day, pair it up with its matching yoga posture card, and work through the deck from start to finish over forty nine days, for a powerful dose of natural brain botox and chakra awakening yoga asana.